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Adult Ministry

Sunday Morning Bible Class

This class is held throughout the year in the Church basement. In the fall we go through the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in a four-year cycle. In the spring we explore other books of the Bible. During the summer we take a more thematic approach to Scripture and how that can then tie into our lives outside of the church. 

This Bible Study is held on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 to 11:00 in the Church basement.  Pastor Don Andrix is assisting in leading this starting in August. The focus will be the Bible readings for the upcoming Sunday. 

Midweek Bible Study

Women's Bible Study

The content for this year is the book: “Leaning on Jesus” by Deb Burma. We meet in the Zion Church basement starting at 7:15 PM, on Wednesdays.  Please contact Carol Sue Esser with any questions at or 612-710-2143.


The Pastor of Zion is passionate about being a marriage-saving congregation. Our Pastor leads pre-marital counseling. For more information please contact the office.

Men's Ministry

Join us as we study God's Word together. We meet in the Zion church basement on the 3rd Saturday of each month, at 7am. For more information, please contact Marvin Schuft at or 612-229-5618.

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