Daily Bread
Daily Bread is a ministry to assist families by providing meals. These are families that could use assistance so that they can focus on the care and healing of body or soul of themselves or a loved one.
If you or someone you know could benefit from meals or you would like to volunteer please contact Gayle Guthland at 952-826-9046
Altar Guild
The Zion Lutheran Altar Guild is a dedicated group of men and women whose primary mission is to prepare and maintain our sanctuary for use by God's family. We prepare for regular Sunday worship services, celebrating communion every Sunday. We also prepare for Lent, Easter, Christmas, Baptism, wedding, and funeral services, as well as other special events. Making worship meaningful for our congregation and friends is truly the Guild's privilege. If you would like to be a part of the Altar guild please contact the church office.
Sunday School
Sunday School is a wonderful long-term commitment throughout the school year of sharing hope and teaching Christ to the many kids we are enabled to serve within our congregation and community. There are many ways to serve in our Sunday School ministry: Teaching, set-up/tear-down, Christmas program leader, Music Leader. Our Current Coordinator is Luke Thun. Please send them an email at: zionmayersundayschool@gmail.com
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a ministry that is put on every year in June in service to the children of the congregation and community. Stay tuned for more information and check out our VBS page on the website as it is updated.
If you would like to be a greeter or usher please follow this link to the SignUpGenius.
If you have questions please contact the church office.
Phone: 952-657-2339
Email: church.office@zionmayer.org
The quilters of Zion meet on Tuesdays in the church basement for fellowship and community by quilting. The quilts they create are sent to various organizations such as Orphan Grain Train, Ysleta Lutheran Mission in El Paso, TX, Lutherans in Africa, Watertown Friends for Life Food Shelf, and Trinity First Lutheran School in Minneapolis, MN. Any additional quilts created are distributed elsewhere as needed. If you wish to join them please contact Marlys Thomas at: 952-657-2300.
Outreach Events:
Easter Faire - The Easter Faire is a community event that is held by the Outreach board of Zion Lutheran. This event takes place Saturday, April 12th, before Palm Sunday. It is a wonderful event where we get to gather together and participate in various family-focused activities. We utilize this time to continue to share the hope of what Christ has done for us in and through his resurrection.
Trunk or Treat - This community event occurs the last Saturday in October in the church parking lot. It is a time filled with fellowship and fun. Come and see the various costumes and decorated trunks this year on October 26th.